A collection of utilities, productivity and development tools for your daily workflows on macOS.
All apps are compiled as universal binaries to run natively on both Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac computers.
Give extra powers to your Finder windows!
If after all those years of using your Mac you are still fighting with Finder to get it to behave as you wish, look no further, FinderFix will get it to open every new window in the exact same position and size you want it to.
A focus-follows-mouse implementation on steroids!
It was calculated that the average user clicks about 6000 times per day. Multiplied by 365 days over 10 years, this equals a hefty 21,900,000 clicks!
Mac OS 9 Trash Can Nostalgia
With my laptop’s small display, I have Dock-hiding always turned on; anyway the trash icon doesn’t show the file count and a quick Command-Option-D brings it back. Like many of you, I got used to the Trash Can on the Desktop with DragThing that I later replaced with Bin-it until the latter was also discontinued. Lately, I even tried iCollections’ Trash pane without much success. Some of you may have even know the original Mac OS 9 trash can!
A Lightweight Task Outliner
Being ambitious is good, however tackling a big task can be daunting. How does one break the cycle of procrastination?
Too big a goal, if you can break it down into easily chewable tasks you’re half-way done! A simple list is often enough to get you started.
Taskan is a lightweight task outliner that organizes and auto-formats your projects in tasks, notes and tags. It takes its inspiration from Hog Bay’s TaskPaper in staying plain-text based with no vendor lock-in. You can always open files saved in Taskan in any text editor including TaskPaper.